Why Biden Can Overcome Political Gridlock

According to conventional wisdom, US President-elect Biden will find himself immediately paralyzed because Republicans will follow the same obstructionist playbook they used to sabotage Barack Obama’s administration. But there are five new features of US political dynamics that this argument has overlooked.

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Mind K
European Strategic Complacency Is Not an Option

It is now more clear than ever that Europe must take its security, broadly understood, into its own hands. Doing so will not only secure the European Union’s proper place on the world stage, but will also ensure a healthy transatlantic partnership in the years ahead.

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Mind K
Letter from Edinburgh

America has been drifting away from Europe for decades. A Biden presidency cannot change this. Europe must come to terms with the currents, not just the personalities, determining its future.

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Mind K
Why Trump Cries Electoral Fraud

Research suggests that US President Donald Trump’s claims of fraud in the 2020 election could be a psychological strategy, deftly executed by a master manipulator. If so, the president may be paving the way to persuading large numbers of Americans to reject the legitimacy of his defeat.

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Mind K
Can Humanity Grow Up? Can Humanity Grow Up?

With rapid globalization and technological innovation have come profound new risks not just to individuals and countries, but to humanity's survival. The current stage in our history demands an entirely new ethical perspective, one that requires an ability to think in species-level terms.

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Mind K
Avalanches, Pandemics and Democracy

Like in an avalanche involving a group of skiers where each has their own interpretation of the risk, there is no correct ‘moral’ stance when it comes to the pandemic. Amidst the complexity of trying to predict a disaster, we each bring our own assessment of the risk. But, democracy demands that even though we may disagree, we still see each other as worthy of respect.

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Mind K
The Economic Case for Biden

US President Donald Trump has seeded the investment environment with uncertainty, trashed America’s trade relationships, blown up the fiscal deficit, and left American workers worse off than they were when he took office. He is the polar opposite of Joe Biden, a politician who understands precisely what the US economy needs.

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Rep Def
Reopening the Peace Factory

Some regard the United Nations as one of the greatest achievements of the so-called liberal international order that was conceived at the end of World War II, while others argue that the organization has never been very liberal, international, or ordered. Both positions have become clichés, but the second is closer to the truth.

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Rep Def
The Coming Global Technology Fracture

Today’s international trade regime was not designed for a world of data, software, and artificial intelligence. Already under severe pressure from China’s rise and the backlash against hyper-globalization, it is utterly inadequate to face the three main challenges these new technologies pose.

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Rep Def
The Fed Can’t Drive Stocks Much Higher

Although the Fed’s August policy update reinforced some analyst’s positive view of U.S. stocks going forward, it does not inspire much confidence in continued upside. Put simply, low-interest rates are mostly priced into stocks.

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Rep Def
Poverty as Injustice

Across Western advanced economies, a widespread sense of malaise has given rise to a debate about what the state can and should do to ensure economic justice, particularly for those at the bottom of the income ladder.

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Rep Def
Rings of Impact

Today, there is an important opportunity for businesses to engage in a “Race to the Top” as they re-design their practices to be attractive not only to investors, consumers, and employees, but also to the communities in which they participate.

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Alex Friedman
Board Games

For long periods of economic history, societies have built walls to defend themselves, relying on local suppliers to a domestic marketplace. Today, economic, public health and political factors are driving a similar trend toward self-reliance again, with all that it implies.

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Alex Friedman
Whither the Pandemic Economy?

The good news is that the unprecedented initial policy response to the economic downturn triggered by COVID-19 has averted a worst-case scenario, making comparisons to the Great Depression unwarranted.

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Alex Friedman
To the Brink with China

Observers of US-China relations increasingly talk of a new cold war. On top of a long-running trade war, the two countries now find themselves in a destructive cycle of mutual sanctions, consulate closings, and increasingly bellicose official speeches.

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Alex Friedman