When History Finally Makes Sense

Joe Biden, the President-Elect of the United States of America, is just a man. And yet, in the deep wisdom found in democracy, he may be exactly the man this country needs at this time.

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Mind K
The Meaning of 200,000 COVID-19 Deaths

Americans’ desensitization to the pandemic’s skyrocketing death toll vindicates Joseph Stalin’s famous observation: “One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic.” The danger of this approach, of course, is that it relieves government of its obligation to act – opening the way for far more COVID-19 deaths.

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Alex Friedman
Joe Biden, Redemption and The American Dream

There were no special effects, no crowds, no band, no balloons. But, none of this was needed. As Joe Biden looked at a blank camera, with a lined face worn by almost eight decades of triumph and tragedy, I saw a man speaking to a country that could now know it was understood.

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Alex Friedman
What the Stock Market Is Really Saying

The seeming confidence expressed by global equity markets in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic has surprised many – including many market participants. But a closer look reveals an unambiguous message: The global economy is facing a long, deep malaise, followed by a “new normal” of reduced earnings and profitability for all but a chosen few.

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Alex Friedman
Should Markets Be Closed?

Today, our species is in panic. COVID-19 is driving upheaval in every human realm. There can be no doubt that the primary mission is to slow the spread of the disease and develop a vaccine as soon as possible.

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Alex Friedman
The Reality of Wyoming’s Fiscal Future

Few images better capture the Wild West’s by-gone era of adventure and lawlessness than ‘most wanted’ posters adorned with the grimacing miens of bank robbers like Butch Cassidy or Jessie James. Today’s residents of Wyoming might soon fear another ‘heist’, but this time the image may portray the smiling face of the tax collector.

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Alex Friedman
Forget Impeachment, Focus on the Virus

In climbing, risk management is everything. Ask any mountaineer who has made it into his or her forties how they did it, and they will invariably say it was a mix of luck and knowing which dangers were the ones to heed. Good judgement in being able to properly assess weather patterns, snowpack, rock quality

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Alex Friedman