Alexander Friedman
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The Meaning of 200,000 COVID-19 Deaths

Americans’ desensitization to the pandemic’s skyrocketing death toll vindicates Joseph Stalin’s famous observation: “One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic.” The danger of this approach, of course, is that it relieves government of its obligation to act – opening the way for far more COVID-19 deaths.


A K-Shaped Recovery is a Disaster

The stock market is soaring while small businesses are dying. It can’t go on this way. A K-shaped recovery is a disaster, and would undermine the 'United' part of our States.


Joe Biden, Redemption and The American Dream

There were no special effects, no crowds, no band, no balloons. But, none of this was needed. As Joe Biden looked at a blank camera, with a lined face worn by almost eight decades of triumph and tragedy, I saw a man speaking to a country that could now know it was understood.


The Economic Case for Biden

US President Donald Trump has seeded the investment environment with uncertainty, trashed America’s trade relationships, blown up the fiscal deficit, and left American workers worse off than they were when he took office. He is the polar opposite of Joe Biden, a politician who understands precisely what the US economy needs.


Reopening the Peace Factory

Some regard the United Nations as one of the greatest achievements of the so-called liberal international order that was conceived at the end of World War II, while others argue that the organization has never been very liberal, international, or ordered. Both positions have become clichés, but the second is closer to the truth.


Our Moral Compass

Are we still a nation that believes that character counts? Are we still guided by a strong moral compass?